Freya - Our Poorly Puppy


Vital Statistics

Full Name: Freya Wright

Pedigree: Rhodesian Ridgeback

Pedigree Name: Kinzani Kai

D.O.B: 16 - 11 - 2005


- Chewing gum

- Meat (in all its forms)

- All human life (there is no such thing as a stranger, just a friend she hasn't made yet)

- Jag - or any TV show or film with jets in

- Cristiano Ronaldo

- Walking on the hills

- Teddy bears

- Passing wind, then wagging to spread it around the room.

- The Fray

- Kylie

- Doing yoga



- Other living things in distress

- Brussel sprouts

- Rainy days that prevent walking on the hills

- Trick-or-Treaters.